Your advantages when buying an investment property
at VITRANO Invest

range of services

Whether you are already a property owner or thinking about building up a real estate portfolio, we can help you find rented individual apartments, apartment packages or global properties in Germany.

Top rental return,
thanks to top locations

Our portfolio comprises over 500 residential units across Germany. Largely in the suburbs of metropolitan regions. Directly from our developers’ portfolios are exclusively leased existing properties in regions that are economically strong and have a good infrastructure.

Sale only

Our investment properties are not found on real estate portals. By working directly with the developer, we can offer you purchase prices in line with the market. There are no other intermediaries involved who unnecessarily drive up the purchase prices.

administrative effort

Each property has its own property management and special rental management, which takes care of all the tasks that arise, such as tenant changes, repairs, tenant inquiries, service charge accounting, owners’ meetings, and much more. Already from 30,00 € per month. Get in touch!

purchase process

With our tried and tested system, we provide you with checklists, information material and close support for a time-saving purchase transaction process and take you step by step by the hand.


Reduce your tax burden with real estate investments, invest your interest-free assets intelligently, and build your own real estate wealth sustainably. You also benefit from a massive return lever (leverage effect) thanks to low financing interest rates.

Get in touch

Do you want to invest in real estate?

Do you have questions about a current object, or would you generally like initial advice on the subject of real estate investment?
Then contact us now, and we will arrange an initial free consultation appointment.
Call or e-mail us at short notice. You will be contacted today!

Phone +49 174 575 1022

Invest with VITRANO

Everything about real estate investments

Before you learn more about us and our properties, we have a few questions for you:

1. Are you dealing with real estate for investment for some time and are still unsure which property suits you?
2. Are you having trouble finding high-yield properties?
3. You do not know exactly which locations in Germany are interesting for real estate investments?
4. You wonder how much should be the capital to be invested besides the financing amount?
5. You basically do not have time to deal with the topic in more detail?
6. Are you considering supplementing your retirement provision with rental income?
7. You want to reduce your tax bill and do not know exactly how it works with rented property?
8. You want a long-term increase in value and are unsure in which regions this is still possible?
9. You want to invest your cash assets smartly and protect them against inflation?

Does one or more of these apply to you? Then VITRANO Invest is the right place for you. We have the right real estate for you!
If you would like to invest in real estate from VITRANO, sign up now for a free qualification interview. You will be contacted today.

Make an appointment
Current Object

Property in Freiburg im Breisgau
for own use or capital investment

For sale is a bright 3-room apartment with two balconies in the district of Betzenhausen.

The property with 16 apartments was built in 1991 and has an elevator. Thus, the apartment on the second floor is barrier-free.

A highlight of the apartment renovated in 2019 are the two semicircular balconies. To provide shade in the summer, the balcony was equipped with an awning. The spacious balconies offer enough space for you and your guests.

Find out more
Current object with calculation example

Multi-family house in
Berlin Blankenfelde-Mahlow

Purchase price including parking space: €222.500,00
Incidental purchase costs: €18,245.00 (land transfer tax, notary, land register)
Equity: €60,745.00
Year of construction: 1995
Living space: 66,39 m², 3 rooms, gas central heating
Outdoor parking space: €10.000,00
Base rent: €697,10 plus €30,00 Parking space

To the example calculationMake an appointment

The 6 steps to your investment property

Step 1:
Secure appointment

Arrange an initial meeting with a real estate expert from the VITRANO team now and fill out the contact form, write us a WhatsApp message or mail.

Step 2:
Analysis interview

Your current concerns will be recorded, your questions about working with VITRANO Invest will be answered, your inventory situation will be recorded, goals will be formulated in order to find the optimal property for you.

Step 3:
Customized implementation plan

You will receive from us a real estate offer incl. financing calculation and explanation of your tax benefits. If required, we will take care of obtaining various financing conditions and create your financing model.

Step 4:
Reservation of your desired property

Once you have decided, your desired property should be reserved as soon as possible. Upon request, we visit the object on site. Online viewings and consultations are also available.

Step 5:
Secure payment process and notarization

We accompany you at the notary appointment and prepare it carefully for you. The purchase process is now complete.

Step 6:
Continue to build up and manage your real estate portfolio with VITRANO Invest

You will receive rental income directly into your account from the first month after your purchase.

Get in touch

Arrange a free initial consultation now

Do you have questions about a current object, or would you generally like initial advice on the subject of real estate investment?
Then contact us now, and we will arrange an initial free consultation appointment.
Call or e-mail us at short notice. You will be contacted today!

Phone +49 174 575 1022

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    The VITRANO System

    VITRANO attaches great importance to sustainable trade in residential real estate. By purchasing single-family and multi-family homes as well as condominiums and subsequent long-lived appreciation, we can offer our clients top investment properties.

    With a budget of span,[Wert] € we buy together with our partners existing properties, which fit our purchase profile. entsprechen, an. With high-quality renovation work, we increase the value of the property before it becomes an investment property. This allows us to offer our customers residential properties that are ready for immediate occupancy or rental. By purchasing and brokering investment properties in metropolitan areas – and throughout Germany – we exclusively market properties that will increase in value. Our goal is to establish a long-term cooperation with our customers that corresponds to our holistic concept.

    With many years of experience in banking and real estate, we advise you in your best interest on your investment and the topics of financing, taxes and administration. Whether you have already invested in real estate or are planning to do so for the first time is irrelevant to us.


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    Category: Dubai EN

    Yes, there are certain regulations for foreign investors regarding property ownership in Dubai. For example, certain areas may be restricted for ownership by foreign investors and certain permits and documents may be required. It is important to familiarise yourself with the current legal framework and be guided by an experienced real estate advisor.

    Category: Dubai EN

    Yes, foreign investors can buy real estate in Dubai. There are no restrictions on foreign investors buying property, and they can own land and property in free zones or certain development areas.

    Category: Dubai EN

    Yes, you can rent out your property in Dubai even if you do not live locally. Dubai has a strong rental market that is suitable for both long-term and short-term rentals. There are also professional property management companies that can help you rent and manage your property.

    Category: Dubai DE

    Ja, es gibt bestimmte Vorschriften für ausländische bzw. deutsche Investoren in Bezug auf den Immobilienbesitz in Dubai. Zum Beispiel können bestimmte Gebiete für den Besitz durch ausländische Investoren eingeschränkt sein, und es können bestimmte Genehmigungen und Dokumente erforderlich sein. Es ist wichtig, sich mit den aktuellen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen vertraut zu machen und sich von einem erfahrenen Immobilienberater begleiten zu lassen.

    Categories: Startseite, Englisch

    For decades, the rule of thumb has been that equity for real estate financing should be at least 20 percent of the purchase price. However, this always depends on your personal financial situation. It is perfectly possible to obtain good real estate financing even with less equity.

    Categories: Startseite, Englisch

    With VITRANO Immobilien you can sell your property very quickly. Either we find several suitable interested parties in a timely manner or we purchase your property according to our purchase profile in our own inventory.

    Category: Dubai DE

    Ja, Sie können Ihre Immobilie in Dubai vermieten, auch wenn Sie nicht vor Ort leben. Dubai hat einen starken Mietmarkt, der sich sowohl für langfristige als auch kurzfristige Vermietungen eignet. Es gibt auch professionelle Immobilienverwaltungsunternehmen, die Ihnen bei der Vermietung und Verwaltung Ihrer Immobilie unterstützen können.

    Category: Dubai DE

    Ja, deutsche Investoren können in Dubai Immobilien kaufen. Es gibt keine Beschränkungen für den Kauf von Immobilien durch ausländische Investoren, und sie können Eigentümer von Grundstücken und Immobilien in Freihandelszonen oder bestimmten Entwicklungsgebieten sein.

    Categories: Startseite, Deutsch

    Aufgrund von aktuell niedrigen Zinsen und hohen Immobilienpreisen ist aktuell der beste Zeitpunkt Ihre Immobilie zu verkaufen. Jedoch bieten wir Ihnen mit unseren neuartigen Ideen und Konzeptern jederzeit die Chance auf einen gewinnbringenden Verkauf.

    Categories: Startseite, Deutsch

    Wenn Sie bereit sind eine Immobilie zu kaufen und dies mittels einer Finanzierung tun möchten, sind einige Dinge zu beachten: aktuell steigende Nebenkosten, realistischer Tilgungsplan, staatliche Zuschüsse, weitere anstehende Investitionen. Bei all diesen Themen beraten wir Sie umfassend.

    Category: Dubai DE

    In Dubai sind eine Vielzahl von Immobilien verfügbar, darunter luxuriöse Villen, moderne Apartments, Büroflächen und Grundstücke für den Bau von Immobilien. Sie können je nach Ihren Investitionszielen und Ihrem Budget die passende Immobilienart auswählen.

    Categories: Startseite, Deutsch

    Diese Frage lässt sich nur anhand Ihrer persönlichen finanziellen Lage beantworten. Im Allgemeinen lässt sich sagen, dass eine Investmentimmobilie in guter Lage sich immer eignet zum Investieren. Verfügen Sie über mehr Kapital, sind Mehrfamilienhäuser definitiv eine gute Anlage.

    Category: Dubai DE

    Um eine Immobilie in Dubai zu kaufen, müssen Sie eine Reservierungsvereinbarung unterzeichnen und eine Anzahlung leisten. Danach erfolgt die Vorbereitung des Kaufvertrags, der von beiden Parteien unterzeichnet wird. Sie müssen dann die Kaufgebühren und -steuern bezahlen und die erforderlichen Genehmigungen und Dokumente erhalten, um den Eigentumsübergang abzuschließen. Es ist ratsam, einen Anwalt oder Immobilienberater hinzuzuziehen, um sicherzustellen, dass alle rechtlichen Schritte korrekt durchgeführt werden.

    Bitte beachten Sie, dass die genauen rechtlichen Schritte und Anforderungen je nach individueller Situation und Immobilie variieren können. Es ist wichtig, sich rechtzeitig über die aktuellen Bestimmungen und Verfahren zu informieren und professionelle Unterstützung in Anspruch zu nehmen, um einen reibungslosen Kaufprozess zu gewährleisten.

    Categories: Startseite, Deutsch

    Suchen Sie für sich oder Ihre Familie eine Wohnimmobilie, liegen die Vorteile auf der Hand: Statt Mietkosten zu zahlen, investieren Sie durch die Tilgung Ihrer Immobilienfinanzierung monatlich in Ihre Altersvorsorge. Außerdem wird der Immobilienkauf durch Zuschüsse vom Staat gefördert.

    Categories: Startseite, Englisch

    If you are looking for a residential property for yourself or your family, the advantages are obvious: Instead of paying rental costs, you invest in your retirement provision each month by repaying your property financing. In addition, the purchase of real estate is subsidized by the state.

    Category: Dubai EN

    The expected returns for real estate investments in Dubai can vary depending on the type of property and location. Generally, attractive returns are possible, especially in emerging areas and where there is good lettability. However, it is important to conduct thorough market research and seek expert advice to have realistic expectations of returns.

    Category: Dubai EN

    The purchase costs and fees for buying property in Dubai are usually around 4% of the purchase price. This includes registration fees, brokerage commissions and other incidental costs if applicable. It is important to consider these costs when budgeting.

    Category: Dubai EN

    To buy a property in Dubai, you need to sign a reservation agreement and pay a deposit. This is followed by the preparation of the purchase agreement, which is signed by both parties. You will then need to pay the purchase fees and taxes and obtain the necessary permits and documents to complete the transfer of ownership. It is advisable to consult a lawyer or property consultant to ensure that all legal steps are carried out correctly.

    Categories: Startseite, Englisch

    If you are ready to buy a property and would like to do so by means of financing, there are a number of things to consider: currently rising ancillary costs, realistic repayment schedule, government subsidies, other upcoming investments. We provide you with comprehensive advice on all these topics.

    Category: Dubai EN

    There are a variety of properties available in Dubai, including luxury villas, modern flats, office space and land for property construction. You can choose the most suitable type of property depending on your investment goals and budget.

    Categories: Startseite, Englisch

    Due to current low interest rates and high real estate prices, this is the best time to sell your property. However, with our novel ideas and concepts, we offer you the chance of a profitable sale at any time.

    Categories: Startseite, Englisch

    This question can only be answered based on your personal financial situation. In general, it can be said that an investment property in a good location is always suitable for investing. If you have more capital, apartment buildings are definitely a good investment.

    Category: Dubai DE

    Die erwarteten Renditen für Immobilieninvestitionen in Dubai können je nach Art der Immobilie und Standort variieren. In der Regel sind attraktive Renditen möglich, insbesondere in aufstrebenden Gebieten und bei guter Vermietbarkeit. Es ist jedoch wichtig, eine gründliche Marktrecherche durchzuführen und sich von Experten beraten zu lassen, um realistische Renditeerwartungen zu haben.

    Category: Dubai DE

    Die Kaufkosten und Gebühren für den Immobilienerwerb in Dubai betragen in der Regel etwa 4 % des Kaufpreises. Dazu gehören die Registrierungsgebühren, Maklerprovisionen und gegebenenfalls andere Nebenkosten. Es ist wichtig, diese Kosten bei der Budgetplanung zu berücksichtigen.

    Categories: Deutsch, Startseite

    Mit VITRANO Immobilien können Sie Ihre Immobilie sehr schnell verkaufen. Entweder finden wir zeitnah mehrere geeignete Interessenten oder wir kaufen Ihre Immobilie gemäß unseres Ankaufprofils in unseren eigenen Bestand an.

    Categories: Startseite, Deutsch

    Als Faustregel gilt schon seit Jahrzehnten, dass das Eigenkapital für eine Immobilienfinanzierung bei mindestens 20 Prozent der Kaufsumme liegen sollte. Jedoch ist dies immer abhängig von Ihrer persönlichen finanziellen Lage. Es ist durchaus möglich, bereits mit weniger Eigenkapital eine gute Immobilienfinanzierung zu erhalten.